For a cleaner tomorrow.



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Cleanliness = satisfaction.

Allow us to supply your facility with cleanliness, while you supply your customers with satisfaction.

While completing customer transactions, the last thing you would hope for is your guest to have roaming eyes and notice the impurities in your facility. You want to ensure that you have your customer’s undivided attention but how can you do so if your facility or office space is not up to par? That is why it is our goal to provide exquisite services so that your customers can focus on doing what your company does best!

You focus on selling cars; let us focus on showcasing your facility and the protection of your inventory.

Contact us for your free commercial cleaning estimate.


Get in touch.

We at PJI know that finding the right company to service you is a choice not to be taken lightly. That’s why we offer free consultations to walk you through your needs, the scope of your goals, and your budget.

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